Marnie Webb serves as the Chief Community Impact Officer for TechSoup and is the CEO of one of their divisions, Caravan Studios. Caravan Studios’ collaborative approach uses a theory of technology intervention to allow communities to respond to the issues they care about most. They have used this methodology to build tools to more quickly find shelter for human trafficking and domestic violence survivors, support migrant workers in the Persian Gulf, and deploy volunteers in times of disaster.
Previously, Webb was co-CEO of TechSoup, a 25-year-old organization that distributes more than $600 million in donated technology to NGOs world-wide. In this role, Webb counseled Fortune 500 technology companies, such as Cisco and Microsoft, on philanthropic initiatives that align with their business objectives and recognize the creativity and innovation that nonprofits have to offer.
Named one of the Top 10 Silicon Valley Influencers by San Jose Mercury News, Webb is a sought-after writer and speaker on innovation, community, and the social web. In 2008, she won NTEN “Person of the Year” award and was included in to the Nonprofit Times’ list of the 50 most influential leaders in the U.S. nonprofit sector and is the initiator of the NPTech tagging experiment, still alive and used today.